Your task is to implement a number guesser that works on the principle of a binary search. In each step, the guesser cuts the query interval in half. When the interval contains a single number, it proclaims the answer.

Suppose your guesser is asked to guess a number between 1 and 100. It starts with the query


50 is the midpoint between 1 and 100.

The person who knows the number says false. The next query is


25 is the midpoint between 1 and 50.

The answer is still false, and the next query is


The answer is still false, and the next query is


Now the answer is true, and the next query is


The answer is again true, and the next query is


The answer is once again true, and now the guesser proclaims


An object of your class will be called like this:

while (...)
   String guess = guesser.nextGuess();
   if (guess.startsWith("="))
      // display answer and terminate loop
      // show guess to person who knows the answer
      // get response from person
      boolean resp = ...; 